Exciting News and Pandemic Reflections

Blog Post 6-9-2020

The last couple of days have seen the fruit of some labor that I have undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have created a podcast and the first few episodes, at least will be talking about a new venture of mine- On the Way. This is something that the Spirit has been moving through me with for quite some time- probably about six years now. I’ve embedded the link to the first podcast below and I invite you to check it out.

These are certainly challenging times for all of us. Our earthly world has been shaken and what was normal four months ago, is certainly not normal today. There have been those who have capitalized on the pandemic to further their own agendas. That’s normal, I guess. There have also been to humanity’s credit heroic and selfless acts of heroism and courage by first responders and just everyday people. I have seen it all around me.

So instead of looking for the gloom and doom, I choose to look for the grace- everyday; because there is blessing around us. We just need to look for it.