
Why not Church?

I am sitting in a local library today- thinking that I would get some quiet time work done. I happened to pick the day that the library was hosting “Star Wars Day” where all of the librarians dress up as Star Wars characters. So quiet time is not to happen. But in reflecting on it, that’s OK. It has been refreshing today to see a bunch of young people be excited about their library trip on a Saturday when they could be just hanging out watching TV or playing sports or whatever. I did overhear a conversation though that was a little disconcerting.

A mom was talking with another mom and wished her luck tomorrow at the football game and at the cheer competition. I thought that would be a busy weekend for that family but then I wondered whether or not they would be going to church that day. It made me think that sometimes our faith life is not a priority, while other things are. But I cannot blame the children. That priority has not been instilled in them by their parents. So the question then becomes, why is faith not a priority for parents. What are we as a Church not doing to attract people to our doors? There are, I suspect a number of reasons all of which are too numerous and detailed to mention in a simple blog post.

I have thought about these things before and probably will continue to think about them and certainly write about them. But what is very apparent to me is that the Church, if it is to thrive cannot continue to do things the way we have been. That is not to say we need or should change our teachings or doctrines, but maybe we need to rethink how we attract people to our doors. All people grapple with issues of faith and how we can attract people who might not even feel the need for faith? These are all complicated issues that many have written and spoken about. I certainly plan on adding my voice to the many in the months to come.