focus God


Spiritual Emptiness

Many times, in the spiritual life, we go through periods of emptiness. This morning I actually woke up feeling spiritually empty. Summer seems to be winding down as the students return to school. Even the days are not as long. I checked out the sunset time the other day and it was a full fifteen minutes earlier than the last time I checked. That’s not to say that I don’t love the seasons and even the coming of the change of season. Perhaps I am feeling empty because I feel the summer went by too quickly. Or maybe I didn’t get to do all I wanted this summer.

In examining and mediating on these feelings during prayer this morning, it seems that maybe the reason I am feeling spiritually empty is because I am making them all about me. I am lamenting the change of season, I am mourning the lost daylight, I feel the summer went by too quickly… I, I, I.

So maybe this spiritual emptiness needs a reorientation- a reboot so to speak, where the focus of my life becomes God. That will certainly be my prayer for myself in the coming days- taking the focus off of me and my wants and placing it more on God and what His will for me truly is.