
Unknown vs. Known

From One Unknown to Another

The last few weeks at the parish have seen a gradual reopening and familiar faces coming back every week. That is certainly a blessing and a source of joy for all of us in ministry. It’s like seeing an old friend after a long time away. There’s so much to catch up on and so many stories to tell that there doesn’t seem to be enough time to tell them all.

Certainly when the churches closed at the beginning of the pandemic, there was a sense of the unknown. How long? Days? Weeks? Months? Then as we sat during our stay at home time, the question then became another unknown. When we did open, would everyone come back or would they still stay away? Well, it seems as the weeks have gone by, parish life is trudging along. It’s like a locomotive that is pulling hundreds of cars. It takes awhile to get going. And maybe we as ministers and as parishioners want things to move a little quicker.

But we have to rely on what is known. And that is Jesus is present with us through all of it. He’s there and maybe trying to teach us a lesson in patience and humility at the same time. So let’s focus on Him and maybe forget about the unknowns. After all by their very nature, they cannot be controlled. Let’s let Jesus be our guide along the way.

Exciting News and Pandemic Reflections

Blog Post 6-9-2020

The last couple of days have seen the fruit of some labor that I have undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have created a podcast and the first few episodes, at least will be talking about a new venture of mine- On the Way. This is something that the Spirit has been moving through me with for quite some time- probably about six years now. I’ve embedded the link to the first podcast below and I invite you to check it out.

These are certainly challenging times for all of us. Our earthly world has been shaken and what was normal four months ago, is certainly not normal today. There have been those who have capitalized on the pandemic to further their own agendas. That’s normal, I guess. There have also been to humanity’s credit heroic and selfless acts of heroism and courage by first responders and just everyday people. I have seen it all around me.

So instead of looking for the gloom and doom, I choose to look for the grace- everyday; because there is blessing around us. We just need to look for it.

Prayer in Time of Pandemic

There is a time…
By Deacon Jim

One of our most heard readings comes from the book of Ecclesiastes where the writer says there is an appointed time for everything under the heavens. Well, we can certainly say that we are all living through this appointed time and like many events in our lives, it will certainly be something that we will remember.

During a crisis such as this, the natural inclination for many of us is to ask for prayers and to offer to pray for others. That is certainly good, and I have been praying for all of you and those you love. But I have been asked by family and friends during this time, how I am weathering and whether or not my prayer life has been diminished or increased. In other words, is this testing my faith? While I have to admit, I have been meditating about the deeper meaning of this, I also have relied on my practical side. So, this time has also been one of renewal for me. I often say to myself and others that I don’t have time to pray as often or for as long as I’d like. So, one of the blessings for me during this time is that I have been able to take the time to see God working in my life. I look at it as developing a new habit because I simply have the time to do it. My hope is that these new prayer habits can translate into permanent habits once we transition back to some sense of normalcy.

A profound way of praying for me during this time has been sitting in silence; whether in the early morning hours without having to rush out the door or late at night when everything quiets down. This might be something for you to try as well. By doing this we are participating in the life of God and renewing our sense of purpose. Another benefit of the silence is that I am able to bring calm to others, especially those who I have been living with on a constant basis during this time.

So maybe this week, spend some time reflecting on whether or not prayer is different for you now. Also ask yourself in prayer, whether or not this would be a good time to add something to your prayer life, such as meditation, reading of Scripture, spiritual reading, a nightly examen, and so on.